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Detailed case assessment

A detailed assessment of your case

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Detailed case assessment
£600.00 exc VAT

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What is involved in a detailed case assessment?

This is an opportunity for you to explain to the lawyer your particular circumstances and what you want to do next. Your lawyer will give you a detailed assessment of your case and advise on the next steps in outline.

Your lawyer will need to know:

  • Your name and full address
  • The name and full address of your spouse/partner
  • The date and place of marriage/you started living together
  • The names and ages of any children from the marriage
  • Housing status
  • Income, pension and savings / capital / investment positions for you and your spouse/partner
  • Brief details of your specific concerns, goals and priorities

What’s included in the fixed price?

Our fees: £600.00
VAT on our fees: £120.00
Total: £720.00

You will be allocated a lawyer to handle your case from amongst our team of fully qualified and experienced divorce and family law experts.

Work included in the fixed price

  • Consideration of your completed client questionnaire
  • Discussion and consideration of your key concerns and priorities
  • Advice on the laws of England and Wales as they apply in your case
  • Information on the legal implications of the actions you may choose to take
  • A detailed letter of advice on your options and potential next steps

The fee assumes you complete a detailed questionnaire to enable advice to be given and allows for up to 1-hour discussion by telephone or email to gather further information and answer your questions and concerns.

The aim is to leave you better informed about where you stand, what your options are and what action you can take next.

Why pay a fixed price?

This fixed price is designed to provide you with the advice of an experienced family lawyer at the very outset of your case. Some people chose to take no further actions having taken this advice. For others, it provides them with the confidence and reassurance that they need to proceed with a divorce, a financial settlement claim or a case relating to child contact or residence.

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Detailed case assessment
£600.00 exc VAT

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