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Comment on divorce & family law

Prenuptial agreements: A comprehensive guide

Many couples can benefit from a prenuptial agreement (prenup), which helps them clarify their financial position and provides important protection should they divorce in the future. This is a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about prenuptial agreements, covering the following questions: What is a prenup? How do…


Common law partners: What is a common law partner and what rights do they have?

You will regularly hear people refer to the terms common law partner, or common law husband or wife. I’ve even seen it used on official forms, for example by insurance companies. Unfortunately, it is a very misleading concept and for anyone who  lives with their partner and considers themselves to…


Are prenups legally binding in the UK?

Prenuptial agreements (prenups) are documents that clarify the agreement a couple reach about their finances before they marry and provide important protections in the event of a divorce. It is important that anyone considering a prenup understands how they work and the UK law relating to prenups. Many people do…


My ex won’t sign a clean break order: what can I do?

Navigating the end of a marriage is challenging and making sure you resolve financial issues is essential. A clean break order is designed to sever the financial ties between you and your ex-spouse, allowing both parties to move forward independently. But what happens if your ex refuses to sign the…


What to include in a prenup

Prenuptial agreements (prenups) are used by couples who want to clarify their respective financial rights and obligations prior to marriage. Prenups detail how a couple’s assets will be divided in the event of a divorce, limiting the potential for conflict over who gets what. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, which…


Fathers’ rights to overnight stays in the UK

There is often confusion surrounding fathers’ rights to overnight stays. In fact, the notion of a father having the ‘right’ to look after their children overnight is a common misunderstanding. It is important to clarify that the law holds the view that parents have responsibilities towards their children and that…


Separating from my spouse: What am I entitled to

If you are separating from your spouse, you may have several questions concerning your entitlements moving forward. Separation is a major decision, so it is understandable that you will want to consider what sort of impact it will have on your current position and any future arrangements you would like…


Can my ex dictate who is around my child in the UK?

Starting a new relationship after divorce or separation has the potential to create a complex dynamic, particularly if you have children with your ex-partner. So long as both you and your former partner continue to have parental responsibility for your children, you will both be entitled to have a say…


What is the divorce process and timeline?

While the circumstances surrounding a divorce may be different for every separating couple, the standard process will typically remain the same. It is important to have a clear understanding of what the divorce procedure involves so that you know what to expect and what the anticipated timeline will be. Our…


Is there automatic divorce after separation in the UK?

Many couples question whether it is worth making a divorce application if a marriage will automatically dissolve after a certain period of separation. On the surface, an automatic divorce would seem like a simple solution. However, there is no such thing as an automatic divorce in the UK, which means…


How long does an online divorce take?

Divorce is rarely straightforward. Therefore, it is understandable that many people considering a divorce want to establish whether they can streamline the process, keeping time, money, and stress to a minimum. The desire for a quick and easy divorce means that searches for online divorce applications are common. That also…


What are the legal benefits of marriage?

While marriage is a wonderful celebration of a couple’s love and commitment to one another and is seen as the next natural step in many relationships, it is important to remember that it is also a legal arrangement. By extension, that means marriage usually comes with certain benefits. Exactly what…


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