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Comment on divorce & family law

No fault divorce isn’t all good news

It seems so long ago that the media announced there would be ‘no fault’ divorce but I appreciate non-lawyers may not be quite as up to speed with what it all means for anyone who wants a divorce. We should all be grateful to Tina Owens whose case, Owen v…


Divorce online – great innovation or legal minefield?

Applying for divorce online

When the fully digital divorce application service was first launched in May 2018 it promised to take the stress out of divorce and ease the process. Being able to apply online certainly means things can move far more quickly than previous paper applications.  It looks like the perfect way forward…


Lessons from lockdown for separated parents

Be kind

The last few months have been strange, to say the least.  With seemingly mixed understanding of the danger outside, the Government asked us to stay inside as much as possible and closed businesses and schools. Whilst key and essential workers carried on the majority of people were either furloughed or…


5 things you should know about the 5 stages of grief when separating

divorcing woman grieving

When faced with a crisis such as a divorce or separation, many people suffer loss and grief and struggle to cope. They may refuse to talk about the difficult issues that need to be sorted out. They may be in complete denial about the realities of their situation. It may…


New Year’s Resolutions for Separated Parents

Resolutions for Separated Parents from Family Law Solicitor

It’s that time again: Christmas is firmly behind us, it’s a New Year with a fresh start and how many of us have already broken new diet regimes with leftover chocolate or fallen off the proverbial wagon of any number of resolutions we made when Big Ben chimed us in…


The myth of common law marriage

What is common law marriage? The phrase common law marriage is often used by couples who are unmarried but have lived together for many years. It’s used in a belief that a couple who have been together for a long time have certain rights. Unfortunately for those couples there is…


Turing pardons and consent to end a marriage

Grounds for divorce focus on blame

In light of the recent so called Turing pardons I wonder whether the Government will look again at another arcane element of our legal system, divorce law? I read with delight that the Government has announced there shall be pardons, including posthumously, for conviction over consensual same-sex relationships before homosexuality…


State pension changes and the impact on divorce settlements

State pension changes impact on divorce settlements

The current State Pension changes from 6 April 2016 and there will no longer be a basic state pension with additional state pension (ASP) elements, but one single tier flat rate pension payable to a person with 35 years of national insurance contributions. Pensionable ages remain as before (subject to…


Why can’t we co-parent?

Co-parenting after divorce

Co-parenting seems to be one of those latest buzz word that is pretty irrelevant to most couples – until that is they separate or divorce. Once a family is divided, by the fact that the two parents live apart, co-parenting takes on a whole new dimension and create so many…


Are divorce lawyers sexist?

Are divorce lawyers sexist

Is it possible for divorce lawyers to give gender neutral legal advice? Or are we ‘sexist’ because we often deal with clearly defined roles within a marriage? I was asked recently whether I favour male or female clients. I thought back over the clients I have helped over the years…


Let’s have marriage and civil partnerships open to all

Marriage and civil partneships

It’s a fantastic victory for equality that gay couples now have the right to choose whether to enter a civil partnership or a marriage. And that’s absolutely how it should be. Shame the same can’t be said for heterosexual couples. Couples can live together as cohabitees, although the law offers…


Divorce settlement advice from a wise family law judge

Divorce settlement advice

When it comes to divorce settlement hearings the role of the judge might come as a surprise to some. Their job, first and foremost, is to help people reach an agreement. Only if the parties are intransigent will they actually make a judgement. This was brought home when I recently…


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