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Family Law Blog

Comment on divorce & family law

Essential Facts for Cohabiting Couples – UK rights

Cohabiting couples property, children and inheritance

More  are choosing to live together rather than marry. There are now 3.3 million cohabiting couple families in the UK. and cohabiting couple families are now the fastest growing family type (according to ONS data).   Unfortunately, many don’t realise their legal rights when it comes to their relationship, property, children…


10 Top Tips for Those Working from Home

Here at Woolley & Co, we are fortunate enough to be able to work from home all the time, personally I have doing so for some 13 years now. So, whilst I am not forced to do so because of the current pandemic, it is still challenging and so I…


Practical realities of divorce or separation

When relationships end, whatever the circumstances, it is usually a time of mixed emotions. Even those couples who agree to end their marriage and feel amicable about it, go on to experience the uncertainty (and often anxiety) brought about by the necessary changes to their living and financial arrangements. Solutions…


What’s all this fuss about changes in divorce law and no-fault divorce?

This blog was written prior to the change in law in April 2022 which introduced no fault divorce. For advice on your personal circumstances take advantage of a free telephone appointment with one of our lawyers – book here. Since the beginning of 2020 there’s been a lot of media…


Is the divorce rate really dropping?

New figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) last week revealed a surprise 10 per cent drop in the divorce rate in England and Wales. I say surprise, because it was a surprise to us as we have seen no significant drop off in cases in the last year….


An A to Z of family law

Part of the challenge we face as family lawyers is demystifying the process and dealing with the jargon that besets the legal profession and court process. A recent discussion in the office resulted in a challenge to come up with a dictionary of family law terms, essentially an A-Z of…


What makes a prenuptial agreement legally binding?

If you are thinking of obtaining a prenuptial agreement there are a few factors you need to consider in order to make the agreement more likely to be upheld in court. This blog sets out the main points you need to consider. The decision to get married is of course…


Special occasions for separated parents

Special occasions for separated parents

When parents separate one of the main issues of conflict relates to arrangements for the children.  I am often contacted by distressed parents who are unable to reach an agreement with their former partner as to the weekly arrangements for their children and, often disputes flare up around annual events…


Parenting when shared care = pounds and pence

A parent paying maintenance towards the care of their child will often approach our lawyers for advice when they are being denied a relationship, asking do they have to continue to pay. A recent case illustrates how complicated this area of law is. The case of EA v SSWP and…


How to tell your teenager you are separating

Telling your teenage child that you plan to divorce or separate is difficult. Their reaction is unpredictable, but you can control how and what you tell them. Some time ago one of our lawyers, Luci Larkin wrote a blog post containing 7 tips for telling your children you plan to…


How can a sex and relationship therapist help you before, during or after a divorce?

This is a guest post by Sue Newsome, Sex and Relationship Therapist ( As an independent sex and relationship therapist, I provide support to individuals and couples who have questions, concerns or struggles with any aspect of their relationship or sex life. For this blog, I am going to assume…


Stratford family law firm embraces pilot scheme to streamline divorce and family law cases

A Stratford law firm is helping speed up and simplify family law cases for its clients by playing a leading role in a new pilot scheme for the Ministry of Justice. Woolley & Co was one of only a handful of family law firms to initially sign up to help…


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