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Family Law Blog : Children

Comment on divorce & family law

Parents turn their backs on lawyers in family law cases

A recent report highlights the fact that fewer and fewer parents are being represented in cases concerning their children. But what is the true impact of this change. The report stated that from April – June 2014 60% of parents in dispute over their children attended Family Courts without legal…


How to do the right thing for your children in divorce

Divorce Solicitors & Family Lawyers at Woolley & Co

We have spent the last two weeks encouraging people to put Children First in divorce. In a final blog of this dedicated campaign, our lawyers list some of their key advice from years of experience of helping families through separation. Over the last two weeks, we have been signposting a…


Children’s holiday arrangements after divorce

Making arrangements to take your children on holiday after a divorce is not always plain sailing, but there are some simple rules to follow to make things easier. School’s out for the summer. If not booked already, then a holiday, either close to home or on a foreign shore, is…


NACSA – Helping with the CSA

NACSA is an organisation dedicated to helping all parents, family and friends who experience difficulties with the CSA. Their remit is to ensure that the Child Support legislation is applied correctly and to educate the public about the administrations and powers of the Child Support Agency. With the extensive powers…


Children, implacable hostility and parental alienation

Children, implacable hostility parental alienation

Parenting post separation is undoubtedly a challenge. Physically sharing your children with someone who makes you feel angry, distrustful or impossibly hurt makes shared parenting incredibly difficult. However, in most cases, people can see the importance of their children having a positive and loving relationship with both of their parents…


Research looks at parent’s experiences of relocation disputes

Applications from one divorced parent to move abroad with their children can have a devastating effect on fragile inter-family relations post separation. This may seem obvious but some ongoing research really does give an insight into how difficult it is. We blogged late last year on a study which threw…


Practical tips for separated dads (and mums)

It is a sad fact that however much two adults are hurt during a separation, invariably the children are hit even harder. As divorce solicitors, we hear a lot of their stories and it is always heart-breaking. It is something very private and personal so it was very brave of…


Applications to relocate overseas with children after divorce

One of the hardest things to agree on and manage when a family splits up is where the children will live and the contact they will have with the other parent. There has been a rise in the number of requests for one parent to move a child overseas. When…


Young fathers worst hit by changes in family law

The impact of the removal of Legal Aid in most family law cases – notably divorce – is having far-reaching consequences, as we have regularly discussed in this blog. However, what is emerging is just how much it is affecting young parents and, particularly, young dads struggling to get the…


Divorce and separation: coping with different routines and rules

Rachel Tonkin of Family Lives continues the theme from earlier guest blogs about putting the needs of children first. This time it’s tips and ideas for setting routines and rules agreed by both parents. After divorcing or separating from your partner, you may find that you have different ways of…


Getting your ex’s agreement to take your child abroad to live

Moving abroad is a huge step for anyone. I should know. I lived in Egypt for several years. There is just so much to sort out, and that is on top of the fear of the unknown and doubts about whether it is going to work out or you may…


Children’s needs during divorce or separation

In the second of our guest blogs, in which we invite others to post their thoughts on family law issues, Rachel Tonkin of Family Lives continues the theme from our previous guest blog about putting the needs of children first when going through a divorce or separation. These tips could…


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