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Family Law Blog

Comment on divorce & family law

Separation Agreements: Are they legally binding?

Separation Agreements: Are they legally binding?

Knowing where you stand during separation can be very difficult to comprehend, especially where you share children and/or financial assets. One solution to remedy this confusion would be a separation agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions that govern the separation. This includes the division of assets and any financial…


Resolving Conflict in Divorce 

This blog explores the alternatives you might consider when resolving disagreements during the divorce process. In any divorce there are often seriously difficult issues to resolve between the parties, so what are the sort of methods we can use as lawyers to help with that and to reach a resolution?…


An A to Z of family law

Part of the challenge we face as family lawyers is demystifying the process and dealing with the jargon that besets the legal profession and court process. A recent discussion in the office resulted in a challenge to come up with a dictionary of family law terms, essentially an A-Z of…


Stratford family law firm embraces pilot scheme to streamline divorce and family law cases

A Stratford law firm is helping speed up and simplify family law cases for its clients by playing a leading role in a new pilot scheme for the Ministry of Justice. Woolley & Co was one of only a handful of family law firms to initially sign up to help…


The Legal Process – a young person’s perspective when parents separate or divorce

teenager upset by divorce

If your parents are about to divorce or separate you may have questions about what might happen and be worried about things you see on TV or that friends tell you. This article has been written to provide the facts. To get a divorce one parent has to start the…


6 Family Law YouTube channels to follow in 2018

Family Law YouTube Channels

There’s a wealth of great content across the web that can help you with all matters Family Law, and there’s no better place to go for it than YouTube. Whilst there are plenty of Family Law websites out there with handy guides and articles on related topics, nothing lets you…


Guidelines for separated parents to avoid harm to their children

children separated parents

A divorce or separation is often hardest on the children. Most separating parents are keen to make sure that their children are protected from harm. Unfortunately, not every parent realises the impact of their own actions on the well-being of their child. In this guest blog Soila Sindiyo of, Parenting…


Has same-sex marriage made civil partnerships obsolete?

are civil partnerships now obsolete

It’s been widely reported that the Government is to take a good look again at civil partnerships. Earlier this month saw the second reading of the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration Etc.) Bill in the Commons, which seeks to see how the Government can extend civil partnerships to opposite-sex…


Spotting the signs your child might not be coping with divorce or separation

children and divorce

Children are the unintended victims of divorce and separation in our society. Many parents we speak to are keen to minimise the impact of their separation on their children but don’t always know the signs to look for, or what to do about them. Child Developmental Psychologist Soila Sindiyo of…


Creating a binding prenuptial agreement

How to create a binding prenuptial agreement

The number of enquiries Woolley & Co receive about prenuptial agreements has risen sharply in the last 12 months. Maybe the message is getting through that understanding the full legal implications of your marriage and putting in place measures in case things don’t work out is a sensible part of…


The perils of social media and playing detective in family disputes

Family law disputes – the perils of social media and technology

As a family law solicitor, I often say that ‘nothing surprises me’. But with the advent of new technologies and the proliferation of social media I find myself amazed by some of the things I read about in Family Law case notes and some of the incidents experienced by my…


How could Brexit affect divorce in the UK?

Uncertainty around many things in Britain is still high after our historic vote to leave Europe. We blogged a couple of weeks ago about the language of Brexit borrowing heavily from divorce and what the architects of the change could learn from us family law specialists. For many people though,…


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