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Family Law Blog : Divorce & Separation

Comment on divorce & family law

Is there a “good” place in the UK to get divorced?

divorce and family law court

It is difficult to put a typical time on how long a divorce will take. We have said many times that the “quickie” divorce is a myth. The only thing that is quick is if the parties agree not to contest anything so the actual documentation is sorted very quickly….


5 important questions to ask a family lawyer before you instruct them

Questions for your family lawyer

Instructing a family lawyer is something you might only do once in your life, so knowing what questions to ask when you first talk to them is very important. I’ve suggested five key questions which are worth asking, to make sure you are getting the best possible, most appropriate service…


New Year’s Resolutions for Separated Parents

Resolutions for Separated Parents from Family Law Solicitor

It’s that time again: Christmas is firmly behind us, it’s a New Year with a fresh start and how many of us have already broken new diet regimes with leftover chocolate or fallen off the proverbial wagon of any number of resolutions we made when Big Ben chimed us in…


Why do women start divorce more often than men?

Divorce and family lawyers discuss why women are more likely to instigate divorce

Divorce ultimately affects many people. It is not just those directly involved – the husband, wife and children – but wider families, grandparents, circles of friends, even workmates. However, it all starts with one party petitioning for a divorce. New figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that,…


Questions divorcing clients are embarrassed to ask

Divorce and family law questions

In my experience as a divorce and family law solicitor I find that people often feel embarrassed asking basic legal questions as they feel that they will look stupid.  I am asked the same questions time and time again and clients should never feel silly asking as it is important…


Divorce courts and system creaking under the strain?

UK divorce system creaking under the strain

As Resolution family lawyers, we are always encouraging our clients to try and be reasonable, to be willing to compromise, and to keep their case in proportion. “Don’t let the lawyers be the ones who get all the money” is a phrase we hear ourselves saying time and time again….


Celebrity divorce in the headlines – is it fair?

Celebrity divorce in the headlines

Jamie and Louise Redknapp may not be at the same level as a power couple as the Beckham’s, but for me they are close. My husband has been obsessed with Louise since her days with Eternal. When we first met he was considering having her band’s name painted on the…


Doing your own Divorce –  Can I go it alone?

Divorce can I go it alone?

This blog was written prior to the change in law in April 2022 which introduced no fault divorce. For advice on your personal circumstances take advantage of a free telephone appointment with one of our lawyers – book here. As a family lawyer one question I have been asked many…


Divorce law – reform needed

Can you get a better divorce outside the UK

Isn’t it about time the divorce laws of England and Wales came into line with Australia, Sweden and Japan, to allow for no fault divorce? The recent widely publicised family law case of Owens v Owens illustrates why this change is so needed. Mrs Owens sought a divorce on the…


Do you legally have to give back an engagement ring? UK Law

Engagement rings and the law

Recently I was asked what happens if an engagement breaks down and one party requests the return of the engagement ring. Now you might assume that it would be the property of the person who received the “gift”. This is not so straightforward though and consideration must be given as…


My relationship has broken down. What do I do now?

Actions to take when your relationship breaks down

The breakdown of a relationship or marriage is not easy for anyone to deal with. Emotions run high and confusion sometimes reigns. Before rushing to take action, it is important to remember you need time to come to terms with what is happening and you should not take major steps…


Marriage and divorce in later life

Divorce and marriage later in life on the rise

As a family lawyer the work that you do changes with the times. The biggest change I’ve noticed in recent years is that I have seen a significant increase in divorce by more mature clients. A recent report in The Telegraph which talked about the rise in women over the age of 65 getting married to avoid spending a long retirement alone highlights how much…


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