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Family Law Blog : Divorce & Separation

Comment on divorce & family law

Guidelines for divorcing couples – avoiding the family courts

Avoiding the family courts

There was an important message which came from two different divorce cases in the news recently – do everything you possibly can to agree on arrangements for your divorce finances without involving the courts. In the cases in questions the judges decided that the family hearings could not be held…


5 things you should know about the 5 stages of grief when separating

divorcing woman grieving

When faced with a crisis such as a divorce or separation, many people suffer loss and grief and struggle to cope. They may refuse to talk about the difficult issues that need to be sorted out. They may be in complete denial about the realities of their situation. It may…


“Pragmatic reasons for supporting a good compromise” in divorce

couple discussing divorce

There is no escaping news coverage of Brexit. I’ve tried. It’s on your phone, on your internet searches, on Facebook – and a likely topic of conversation at some point whoever you speak to. It has blanket coverage. So, my challenge is this: is there any way we can make…


The Legal Process – a young person’s perspective when parents separate or divorce

teenager upset by divorce

If your parents are about to divorce or separate you may have questions about what might happen and be worried about things you see on TV or that friends tell you. This article has been written to provide the facts. To get a divorce one parent has to start the…


How to tell your parents you’re getting a divorce

Lots of time is devoted to discussing the best ways to tell your children you are getting a divorce, but how do you tell your own parents? When we talk about telling people about divorce, more often than not it is the children we have in mind – and rightly…


A mealticket for life revisited

The Supreme Court has now handed down the judgment in the case of Mills v Mills, a case keenly watched by family lawyers as it sets out some further guidance on cases about payment of maintenance from one former spouse to the other. The Story So Far… Mr and Mrs…


Why do I need a family lawyer to get a divorce?

divorce lawyer sat at wooden table with pen and paperwork

You would think that the answer to this question is obvious, wouldn’t you? To advise on the divorce law of course, but it is not as simple as that. Whilst there is the obvious benefit of having proper legal advice before you divorce or separate there are many other reasons…


What are the consequences of a delayed divorce?

woman in delayed divorce sitting by the window looking unhappy

Making the decision to split from a spouse can be one of the hardest things that many people will do. Once they have made the decision and set the wheels in motions there is a seemingly endless list of “to dos” to get things sorted before they can move on…


Is it possible to divorce someone more than once?

marriage certificate and scissors for article can you divorce the same person more than once

How many times can you be divorced from the same person? As many times as you marry them is the honest answer. Just ask Liz Taylor and Richard Burton. But if you only marry a person once, you can only be divorced once? True or false? Well, in the case…


Bitcoins and PayPal – New Ways of Hiding Assets in Divorce

bitcoins hidden in divorce stacked in front of computer

For divorce lawyers, encountering people trying to hide assets that form part of the matrimonial pot is nothing new. What is new is the in which parties may try and achieve this. In divorce proceedings the courts of England and Wales take a pretty robust approach and require that both…


How to protect your mental health in divorce

Divorce and mental health

The mental anguish caused by a relationship break-up and the problems that this can cause can so often be overlooked when there is so much else going on. You might expect to be a little more under pressure than normal when going through a divorce. There is so much to…


Spotting the signs your child might not be coping with divorce or separation

children and divorce

Children are the unintended victims of divorce and separation in our society. Many parents we speak to are keen to minimise the impact of their separation on their children but don’t always know the signs to look for, or what to do about them. Child Developmental Psychologist Soila Sindiyo of…


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